Thursday, September 17, 2009

AISI praises President Obama for his decision on the Section 421 tire case against China.

This decision by President Obama follows a previous determination by the independent, bipartisan International Trade Commission (ITC), which said that the subject imports (Chinese tires) have caused "market disruption" in the United States.

Without commenting on the specifics of the 421 case or the remedy that has been imposed, AISI stated:

"We commend President Obama for enforcing enforcing the Section 421 law in the tire case. This action sends the right message that America will enforce its trade laws when warranted. This marks the first time that a U.S. Administration has imposed a trade remedy in a Section 421 China surge case after the ITC has found market disruption and has recommended trade relief. America’s steel industry joins with many other U.S. manufacturing industries that have faced Chinese government industrial targeting, subsidies and export promotion policies in strong support of the position that our WTO-consistent Section 421 law must be a ‘live’ trade remedy statute – and a vital trade tool for U.S. industries and their workers – to address market disruption caused by damaging import surges from China.”

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